RD-Metal Unicoat
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    • RD-Metal Unicoat
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    RD-Metal Unicoat

    Technical sheet

    DTM (Direct-To-Metal / Sur-Métal) anti-corrosion paint that can be used as a primer and finish for the protection of cladding walls and metal sheets.

    Coating for metal claddings: surface tolerant and convenient to apply

    • Primer and top coat in one, UV and weathering resistant
    • Available in colors according to RAL, NCS and many more
    • Satin finish
    • No sandblasting required
    • Good corrosion protection

    An effective solution for renovating metal facades, RD-Metal Unicoat offers excellent adhesion to a wide range of substrates. It provides reliable protection against corrosion in moderate industrial and urban atmospheres, while also creating a flexible, durable, and UV-resistant film that withstands weathering.

    RD-Metal Unicoat is highly regarded and extensively utilized as a straightforward and durable renovation system for metal claddings on warehouses, offices, factories, and more.

    Available colors

    Click here to chose your color
    RAL 1000 Lorem Ipsum


    1 l
    Surface 1 coat: 5.00m²
    5 l
    Surface 1 coat: 25.00m²
    20 l
    Surface 1 coat: 100.00m²
    Total quantity selected (L): 0
    Theoretical surface that can be painted in 2 coats with the ordered quantity (*) : 0

    (*) the quantity indicated is theoretical and is based on a standard consumption of the product as described in the technical sheet below. This consumption is also influenced by the nature of the support and the method of application.

    Technical sheet

    Description of the product


    Primer/Finish rust preventive coating for metal sheets and claddings.


    Single component coating for the protection of metallic objects. RD-Metal Unicoat is an excellent choice for the renovation of metallic objects located in low to moderate corrosive environments and can be applied directly on steel and weathered galvanized steel without having to blast the surface. 

    RD-Metal Unicoat is water-based, easy to handle, safe and has no fire risks. 

    It is a fast-drying coating system that greatly reduces downtime during installation. 

    Virtually odour free, it does not affect neighbouring occupants and can therefore be used in occupied buildings. 

    RD-Metal Unicoat is UV resistant, has a good resistance against weathering and can therefore be applied as primer and/or as finish. When applied by airless, RD-Metal Unicoat easily covers large flat surfaces with no overlaps and will protect the coated objects neat and tidy for numerous years.  It is therefore is an excellent, fast and easy renovation system for claddings and coated metal sheets.

    RD-Metal Unicoat is part of the SCS – Single Coating System - product group.


    Iron, steel, weathered galvanized steel (> 1 year)


    Very low corrosion threat C1 :
    Indoor: heated offices, stores, hotels...

    Wet film thickness in microns / mils

    Dry film thickness in microns / mils

    Consumption per m² / ft² per gallon



    RD-Metal Unicoat

    200 / 8

    95 / 3,8

    0,20 l / 200

    > 15 years


    Low corrosion threat C2 :
    Indoor : Unheated buildings where condensation can occur, e.g., warehouses or sports halls...
    Outdoor : Low pollution atmospheres: especially rural areas.

    Wet film thickness in microns / mils

    Dry film thickness in microns / mils

    Consumption per m² / ft² per gallon



    RD-Metal Unicoat

    191 / 7,7

    90 / 3,6

    0,19 l / 212

    > 15 years


    RD-Metal Unicoat

    191 / 7,7

    90 / 3,6

    0,19 l / 212



    180 / 7,2

    0,38 / 106

    Moderate industrial environments C3 :
    Indoor : manufacturing enclosures with high humidity and polluted atmosphere such as food industries, breweries, creameries, laundries ...
    Outdoor : Urban and industrial environments, moderate sulfur dioxide pollution: coastal areas with low salinity.

    Wet film thickness in microns / mils

    Dry film thickness in microns / mils

    Consumption per m² / ft² per gallon



    RD-Metal Unicoat

    234 / 9,4

    110 / 4,4

    0,23 l / 174

    > 10 to 15 years


    RD-Metal Unicoat

    234 / 9,4

    110 / 4,4

    0,23 l / 174



    220 / 8,8

    0,46 / 87


    Renovation of walls covered with claddings or metal sheets (*) :

    Wet film thickness in microns / mils

    Dry film thickness in microns / mils

    Consumption per m² / ft² per gallon



    RD-Metal Unicoat (**)

    200 / 8

    95 / 3,8

    0,20 l / 200

    > 15 years


    RD-Metal Unicoat

    200 / 8

    95 / 3,8

    0,20 l / 200



    190 / 7,2

    0,40 / 100

    (*) New or recent side wall claddings : it is imperative to perform an adhesion test beforehand. New sidings are usually covered with special coatings that limit dirt pick up. These kind of finishes sometimes prevent the good adhesion of a paint system applied on top. The effect of these finishes fades over time, making it easier to apply paints on sidings that are more than 10 years old. However, even on older sidings, it is still advisable to do an adhesion test beforehand.

    (**) In case of corroded surfaces or when the objects are located in a more corrosive atmosphere (C4 or C5), it is advised to use RD-Elastometal as a prime coat.

    Aesthetical fresh-up:

    A single coat is possible on previously painted surfaces in need of an aesthetic refreshment.

    Risks of chemical spills, graffitis or nearby aggressive exhaust fumes/pollution:

    The system can be top coated by one or two coats of RD-Hydrograff HP Clear High Gloss.

    Indicated consumption is theoretical and does not consider potential losses during application. It can also be influenced by the porosity of the substrate.

    Application instructions


    Ambient temperature: minimum 5°C (41°F) – optimal between 12 and 25°C (54 and 77°F).
    Relative humidity: maximum 80%
    Surface temperature must be minimum 3°C (5°F) above dew point.


    Brush, roller or airless (nozzle size: 013–015)
    Between 150 and 180 bar of pressure by airless application.


    The substrate must be clean: dry, degreased and dust free. Non adhering elements such as older coatings or rust must be removed. Different types of surface preparation are possible:
    1/ Remove rust manually or by power tool to ST2 – ISO 8501-1/SSPC SP2 or SP3.
    2/ Blasting to SA 2½  - ISO 8501-1/NACE3/SSPC SP6.
    3/ High pressure washing following SSPC SP12 WJ4.

    Repainting alkyd resin-based paints: Perform an adhesion test beforehand if the paint is recent or less than a year old. Optionally, lightly sand the surface before painting.

    Contact your RD Coatings representative in case of hesitation.


    Product is ready-for-use. Dilute with maximum 3% water when applying by airless or in warm weather conditions (> 25°C / > 77°F).

    DRYING TIME (20°C - 68°F):

    Touch dry: +/- 2 hours
    Recoatable: +/- 4 hours




    Mix well before use.

    Technical data

    FINISH (Gardner 60°):

    Satin: 15 +/- 5


    White. RAL, NCS and customs colors available on RD Coatings dispensing system.


    1.3 +/- 0.05 g/cm³


    In weight:  59 % +/-2
    In volume: 47 % +/-2


    100 - 120 P (Brookfield 20RPM)


    < 60 g/l


    Not flammable


    Minimum 24 months protected from frost and excessive temperatures in its original closed packaging. 

    Norms and tests


    ISO 12944 / ASTM B117 / ISO 4628


    ISO 2409


    ISO 4624


    ASTM D4060


    ASTM D3363


    ASTM D4587 / ASTM G53 /ISO 11507

    ISO 16000-6 / VOC Classification in France

    Safety data

    Information related to hygiene and to safety can be found in the Safety Data Sheet available on request.

    These specifications are given for information. Since the manufacturer is not able to check the application of the products, he cannot accept any responsibility for it. This technical data sheet replaces all previous editions.

    VERS. S035/240220